Responsible to the Secretary-Treasurer
Coordinates the maintenance, grounds care, and custodial services for all buildings and property belonging to Northern Gateway Public Schools to ensure an environment conducive to learning and teaching.
- Coordinate the capital needs of Northern Gateway Public Schools with the Government of Alberta regulations and processes as well as municipal processes
- Develop, in consultation with the Board of Trustees, Superintendent's Office, and School Administrators, the three year capital plan and ten year facility plans
- Develop, in consultation with the Superintendent's Office and School Administrators, the Infrastructure Maintenance and Renewal Program (a detailed yearly maintenance plan for Northern Gateway Public Schools' facilities that represent current three-year education goals)
- Coordinate new school planning and construction with the Government of Alberta
- Coordinate school and community partnerships to enhance facilities in a cost effective manner while maintaining operating standards to provide learning environments that are in the best condition possible
- Review municipal subdivision applications to ensure the needs of Northern Gateway Public Schools are met (e.g., school sites, transportation logistics)
- Monitor population growth within Northern Gateway Public Schools and provide enrolment projections
- Coordinate facility, enrolment, and utilization records with the Government of Alberta
- Work with schools and Division Services on issues relating to school functionality, capacity, and utilization
- Work with Northern Gateway Public Schools municipalities on common issues relating to facilities
- Contract and monitor custodial services
Maintenance Services
- Maintain building structure and envelope
- Support existing electrical infrastructure
- Manage existing plumbing fixtures and water/sewer systems
- Oversee central security system, including keying and security procedures
- Coordinate insurance coverage of Northern Gateway Public Schools insured vehicles, including buses
- Sustain environmental conditions, including water quality and indoor air quality
- Investigate vandalism
- Remove graffiti
- Provide/track/report utility services, including waste and recycling
Grounds Services
- Design and construct landscape areas
- Construct, inspect, and maintain playgrounds
- Coordinate environmental projects
- Monitor and maintain site drainage
- Manage parking control and flow
- Maintain parking lots, including snow removal
- Maintain concrete sidewalks, curbs, ramps, pathways
- Maintain playing fields/lines
- Assist with school-initiated projects, providing estimates as required
Custodial Services
- Ensure items used in schools meet Northern Gateway Public Schools' standards
- Maintain cleanliness
- Monitor and assist with daily maintenance of boilers and other building systems
- Communicate status of repairs/concerns to schools
- Provide safe, effective, environmentally friendly cleaning products and consumable goods
- Work with Facility Services to eliminate hazards and improve facilities for all users
Facility Services

Randy Lovich
Director of Facility Services
Responsible to the Secretary-Treasurer
Coordinates the maintenance, grounds care, and custodial services for all buildings and property belonging to Northern Gateway Public Schools to ensure an environment conducive to learning and teaching.
P: 780.785.3333