All Whitecourt students require and use a bus pass. Passes are issued to schools in June and distributed to returning students accordingly. For new students, passes must be purchased online using the BusPlanner Parent Portal. You must be registered for busing first, before you will be able to purchase a bus pass.
Click here to view Whitecourt School Bus Routes and Timetable
For any questions regarding bus transportation, bus routes or pricing please contact the Transportation Department via email at, toll-free at 1-800-262-8674 or directly at 780-778-2800.

Pat Hardy School and Whitecourt Central Elementary School will both return to K-5 elementary school models commencing with the 2023-24 school year. School bus transportation/attendance areas for each school are outlined in the MAP.
Download the MAP here:
Transportation/Attendance areas for Whitecourt elementary schools commencing September 2023
If for extenuating circumstances a parent/student wishes to attend a school outside their designated area, a Request may be made to the Division using the following form.
Request for Resident Student to Attend a Non-Designated Whitecourt elementary school
Transfer Stations
Rural school bus transportation in the Whitecourt area operates as a single run design, with the addition of three, supervised Transfer Sites, at Hilltop Jr/Sr High School, Whitecourt Central School and Percy Baxter School.
How it works
Rural buses meet at the three supervised transfer sites after they have picked up all students. Students who attend school at the transfer site disembark the bus and school supervision begins. Students who do not attend school at the transfer site disembark the bus and board (transfer) the designated transfer site school bus where they are transported to their designated school.
Transfer Site supervisors assist students with disembarking from their rural bus and boarding their appropriate transfer bus at all three Transfer Sites. Additionally, Whitecourt students have a distinct color-coded bus pass with their name and busing information.
Whitecourt Transfer Site Guide
For any questions regarding bus transportation, bus routes or pricing please contact the Transportation Department via email at, toll-free at 1-800-262-8674 or directly at 780-778-2800.