School Councils are integral partners in education. Working together, parents, teachers, principals, staff, and other community members promote the well-being of students through open dialogue, honest feedback, and effective action.
A School Council may consult with the principal on matters pertaining to the school, may advise the principal as part of their mandate, and may offer suggestions to the Board of Trustees.
The Board of Trustees and the entire school division appreciates the selfless dedication in lending your time, talent and resources to make our schools and communities better places.
Other Resources:
Alberta School Councils' Association Website
The Alberta School Act, Section 22, and the School Councils Regulation 113/2007 describe the makeup and function of a school council.The School Act states ... "The school council may, at its discretion, advise the principal and the board respecting any matter relating to the school," and "the majority of a school council shall be parents of students enrolled in the school."
Each school council must consist of:
- the principal of the school;
- at least one teacher at the school, elected or appointed by the other teachers;
- if the school includes a senior high school program, at least one student enrolled in the high school, elected or appointed by the other students;
- parents of students enrolled in the school, and at the discretion of the council, a person, who a) is a parent of a child enrolled in an Early Childhood Services (ECS) program at the school or b) has no children at the school but has an interest in the school.
See the Alberta School Council Resource Manual for more information on school councils.