Principal: David Turcotte
Assistant Principal: Megan Coté
“Moving Forward, Reaching Upward – Students are Central”
Central School Students are Eagles:
Excellence - Show excellence everyday, in every way
Accountable - accountability for your actions and consistent attendance
Give Respect - Treat everyone well
Learn well - School is your job
Enjoy school - Central is your second home
Safety - Everyone deserves to feel safe and be safe
Whitecourt Central School is driven by a strong belief in each and every student. The school has an academic focus, promotes physical activities and creativity, and is sensitive to the social and emotional well-being of students.
Whitecourt Central Elementary School plays an integral role in the development of our students. The education of a child is a partnership between the school, family, and community team with each partner assuming a greater responsibility in some areas of the child's development while mutually sharing responsibility in other areas.
The prime objectives of Whitecourt Central Elementary School are for students to develop the ability to analyze critically, reason and think independently, acquire basic learning skills, develop a lifelong appreciation of learning, develop a curiosity about the world around them, and develop a capacity for creative thought, expression, and appreciation, all while in an environment that nurtures their social and emotional well being.
Families: Families are the primary educators of their children, and as such are key partners with the school. Two-way communication between teachers and parents is essential for student success.
Shared Responsibilities:
- Students will be responsible and accountable for their own behavior and achievement.
- Parents will work with the school community in partnership with the education of their children.
- Educators will provide a safe, caring, inclusive learning environment that is conducive to meeting the individual needs of children.
Belief Statements:
- Every child can learn
- Every child must have hope
- Every child is a unique individual
- Children learn at different rates and in different ways
- Learning and development is a continuous process
- Learning is an active process
- Learning is an individual process
- Students should be given the opportunity to experience challenge and success
- Students learn best in a learning environment with their peers
Programs & Services
- Facility Dog - Sage
- Full-time On-site Psychologist - Canniff
- Team for Sucess
- Physical Education Specialist
- Music Teacher
- Choir Option
- The "Lookout"