AP 100 Administration of Policy and Legislation
AP 101 Administrative Procedure Development and Review
AP 102 Policy and Procedure Dissemination
AP 103 Education Planning
AP 104 Educational Reporting
AP 106 Site-Based Decision Making
AP 107 School Day and Year
AP 109 Group Benefits
AP 110 School Councils
AP 110 Form 110-1 School Council Annual Report
AP 111 Council of School Councils
AP 130 Naming of Schools
AP 150 Land Acknowledgement Statement
AP 152 Dispute Resolution
AP 154 Political Electioneering
AP 155 Event and Visitor Protocols
AP 157 Flag Protocol
AP 175 Welcoming, Caring, Respectful and Safe Learning Environment - Inclusive Practices
AP 176 Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Gender Expression
AP 199 Public Interest Disclosure - Whistleblower Protection
AP 200 Organization for Instruction
AP 201 Student Assessment and Reporting
AP 201 Appendix 201-1 Long Range Plans and Course Outlines
AP 201 Appendix 201-2 Sample Course Outline
AP 202 Student Acceleration Promotion or Retention
AP 203 Student Appeals of School Awarded Marks
AP 205 Sensitive-Controversial Issues and Resources
AP 205 Form 205-1 Notice Form to Parents
AP 205 Form 205-2 Notice Form to School for Exemption
AP 206 Human Sexuality Education
AP 207 Patriotic Exercises
AP 208 Religious Education and Materials
AP 209 Indigenous Ceremonial Activities
AP 209 Appendix 209-1 Smudging Notification
AP 210 Early Childhood Education
AP 210 Appendix 210-1 Early Childhood Education Eligibility
AP 212 Second Language Programs
AP 213 Programming for Diverse Learning Needs in an Inclusive Education Environment
AP 214 Knowledge and Employability Courses
AP 214 Form 214-1 Knowledge and Employability Courses Consent Form
AP 216 Off-Campus Education
AP 219 Locally Developed-Acquired Courses
AP 219 Appendix 219-1 Current List of Approved Courses
AP 220 Course Challenge
AP 255 Non-Service Animals in Schools
AP 255 Appendix 255-1 Task Hazard Analysis
AP 256 Service Dogs
AP 256 Appendix 256-1 Sample Letter to the School Community
AP 256 Appendix 256-2 Sample Letter to the Families of Children in the Class(es)
AP 260 Off-Site Activities
AP 260 Appendix 260-1 Risk Management
AP 260 Form 260-1 A Occasional or Off-Site Activities Approval Form
AP 260 Form 260-2 International Travel - Consent For Participation - Student
AP 260 Form 260-3 International Travel - Consent For Participation - Chaperone
AP 290 Research Activities and Pilot Projects
AP 300 Right of Access to Education
AP 301 Resident Status-Admissions
AP 302 Attendance of Non-Alberta Students
AP 303 Out-of-Division Special Needs Program Sponsorship
AP 305 School Attendance Areas
AP 305 Form 305-1 Request for Resident Student to Attend a Non-Designated School
AP 305 Form 305-2 Request for Non-Resident Student to Attend an NGPS School
AP 310 Student Supervision
AP 320 Student Record Management
AP 320 Appendix 320-1 Student Record Regulation
AP 321 Young Offenders Information Sharing Protocol
AP 321 Appendix 321-1 Young Offender Information Sharing Protocol
AP 323 Student Guardianship, Access and Custody
AP 330 Student Attendance
AP 350 Student Discipline
AP 351 Student Suspension and Expulsion
AP 352 Intervention Services
AP 353 Access to Students - Police Officers
AP 354 Access to Students - Children's Services
AP 355 Search and Confiscation
AP 358 Behavior Support Planning, Restraint and Seclusion
AP 361 Promoting Positive Behaviour at School-Authorized Activities
AP 361 Appendix 361-1 Code of Conduct
AP 370 Awards and Scholarships
AP 370 Appendix 370-1 Division Scholarships
AP 375 High School Graduation Ceremonies
AP 390 Volunteer Requirements and Vulnerable Sector Verification
AP 390 Appendix 390-1 The Screening Handbook
AP 390 Form 390-1 Annual Volunteer Registration Form
AP 391 Volunteer Community Coaches
AP 400 Organizational Structure
AP 400 Appendix 400-1 Central Services Organizational Chart
AP 401 Staff Employment - Recruitment, Selection and Appointment
AP 401 Appendix 401-1 Release of Results of Vulnerable Sector Check
AP 402 Personnel Records
AP 403 Conflict of Interest
AP 404 Nepotism
AP 405 Working Alone
AP 406 Employee and Family Assistance Program
AP 408 Course Attendance - Financial Support
AP 409 Staff Professional Dress
AP 410 Deferred Salary Leave Plan
AP 410 Appendix 410-1 Schedule A Deferred Salary Leave Plan Board-Participant Agreement
AP 412 Employee Resignations
AP 417 Annual Employee Recognition
AP 419 Leaves of Absence
AP 422 Teacher Growth, Supervision and Evaluation
AP 422 Appendix 422-1 Teaching Quality Standard
AP 422 Appendix 422-2 Professional Growth Plans
AP 425 Teacher Transfers
AP 426 Reduction of Teaching Positions
AP 432 Principals-Assistant Principals - Growth, Supervision and Evaluation
AP 432 Appendix 432-1 Leadership Quality Standard
AP 442 Support Staff Growth, Supervision and Evaluation
AP 442 Appendix 442-1 Quality Practice Standard for Support Staff
AP 443 Support Staff Misconduct
AP 444 Local Authorities Pension Plan
AP 445 Reduction of Support Staff Positions
AP 460 Substitute Teachers
AP 470 Position Descriptions
AP 483 Worker Contract Status Determination
AP 500 Annual Budget Development
AP 501 School Accumulated Surplus and Reserves
AP 505 Student Fees and Service Charges
AP 505 Appendix 505-1 Division Fee Schedule for 2023-24
AP 507 Waiver of Fees
AP 507 Form 507-1 Application for Waiver of Fee(s)
AP 510 Financial Accountability and Audits
AP 511 Fundraising
AP 511 Appendix 511-1 School Generated Funds - Source and Application of Funds
AP 513 Employee Expense Compensation
AP 513 Appendix 513-1 Compensation and Expense Rates
AP 514 Authorized Signatures
AP 515 Purchasing Procedures
AP 517 Acquisition, Inventory and Disposition of Property - Furniture and Equipment
AP 519 Acquisition and Disposition of Property - Buildings and Land
AP 525 Partnerships
AP 526 Donations to the Division
AP 530 Insurance Management
AP 535 Cash Management and Credit Facilities
AP 538 School Generated Funds
AP 549 Use of Division Equipment and Materials
AP 564 Freedom of Information and Privacy Protection
AP 564 Form 564-1 Notification of Request for Information
AP 585 Division Record Management
AP 585 Appendix 585-1 Records Retention Schedule
AP 590 Copyright
AP 600 Media Relations and Protocol
AP 602 Visual Identity Corporate Logos
AP 604 Advertising Materials
AP 640 Responsible Use of Technology
AP 640 Form 640-1 Technology Use Agreement
AP 645 Network and Information Security
AP 650 Electronic Devices
AP 652 Responsible Use of Artificial Intelligence to Support Instruction
AP 655 Staff Mobile Technologies
AP 660 Network Access While on Leave
AP 681 Video Surveillance
AP 691 Software Licensing
AP 695 Social Media
AP 700 General Principles of Health and Safety
AP 702 Specialized Health Services
AP 702 Form 702-1 Individual Care Plan
AP 703 Medical - General Response
AP 704 Medical - Illness
AP 706 Medical - Injuries
AP 706 Form 706-1 Student Accident Report
AP 707 Medical - Concussion
AP 708 Medical - Head Lice
AP 710 Medical - Communicable Diseases
AP 711 Medical - Pandemic Response
AP 714 Medical - Administering Prescribed Medications
AP 714 Form 714-1 Request and Instructions for Administration of Medication
AP 714 Form 714-2 Medication Administration Record
AP 716 Allergies and Anaphylaxis
AP 720 Occupational Health and Safety
AP 720 Appendix 720-1 Division Joint Worksite Health and Safety Committee (HSC) Terms of Reference
AP 735 Workplace Violence
AP 736 Harassment
AP 740 Emergency Response Planning
AP 750 Severe Weather and Emergency Closure
AP 755 Impassable Roads
AP 760 Substance Restrictions
AP 766 Substance Abuse, Prevention and Reporting
AP 770 Guidance and Counselling Services
AP 775 Violent Threat-Risk Assessment
AP 795 Trespassing or Interrupting School or Division Proceedings
AP 800 Student Transportation
AP 802 Grant Ineligible Transportation
AP 805 Student Transportation Contract Services
AP 805 Appendix 805-1 Evaluation Criteria for Bus Contractor Selection
AP 805 Form 805-1 Application for School Bus Service Contract(s)
AP 806 School Bus Safety - Drivers
AP 806 Form 806-1 Operator's Children on Bus Request
AP 807 Student Transportation Safety Procedures
AP 810 Safety and Code of Conduct on School Buses
AP 810 Form 810-1 Student School Bus Disciplinary Form
AP 814 Student Transportation in School-Acquired Vehicles
AP 818 Student Transportation in Private Vehicles
AP 818 Form 818-1 Student Transportation in Private Vehicles
AP 880 Management of Division or School Acquired Vehicles
AP 910 Facilities and Equipment Maintenance
AP 920 Playground Equipment
AP 925 Infrastructure Maintenance and Renewal Program
AP 930 Access to Buildings and Use of Keys
AP 940 Public Use of School Facilities
AP 940 - Form 940 - 1 - Agreement for Public Use of School Facilities
AP 960 Environmental Considerations
AP 970 Chemical, Hazardous and Dangerous Material Management