The Gift of Technology
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Onoway Elementary's Learning Commons recently acquired two new pieces of technology that are proving to be quite popular with students.
The school acquired two Chromebase computers this Fall that students can use to log on to the Learning Commons' catalog and in three easy steps see what is on the Commons' shelves at any given moment.
Librarian Twyla Lesko commented, "The process is so empowering. It deepens a student's understanding of the mechanics of a library/learning commons and it is a skill they can put to great use in the future. These computers also give students access to search engines, Tumblebooks and more."
The Commons also has six Chromebooks for student use within their space enabling students to work on other assignments and complete tasks when they are finished checking out their materials.
The second acquisition students are quite excited about is the Promethean ActiTable, pictured here. All grades have dabbled on the 6 person interactive computer table. "It is amazing to facilitate an activity, then observe how quickly students come together in approaching problem solving," Lesko shared. "This is a wonderful tool for expanding classroom projects in the Learning Commons."