Celebrating Seniors at EEE
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Elmer Elson Elementary School helped the town of Mayerthorpe kick off Seniors Week in grand style this past Monday. Staff and students invited community seniors to the school for entertainment and refreshments. Principal Anna Greenwood commented,
"We are so grateful to be a part of this celebration again this year. Our senior community is a huge part of our school community. From our Grade 5 intergenerational program and Leaders are Readers to the annual Pleasant View Lodge Fundraiser that raises money for projects that benefit seniors, we are so proud and appreciative of the partnerships we have within the community and for the contributions seniors make to our community and our school."
Mayerthorpe Mayor, Kate Patrick read aloud a proclamation in honour of the past, present and future seniors of Mayerthorpe and Alberta, before the students took over with performances by the gold medal Choral Speech Groups (Grades 4-6 and Grades 1-3), choirs and a square dancing demonstration. The kick-off ended with lunch and a lot of smiles!