Photos of staff receiving service awards hung from trees marking the entrance to the Westward Community Centre.
20th Annual Employee Recognition Evening
NGPS staff from Alberta Beach to Valleyview gathered this past Friday, October 4 to honour the commitment and careers of our fellow staff members at the division's annual Employee Recognition Evening. A round of applause, a shared meal and the longstanding tradition of the trustee-manned ice cream bar brings us together each year to recognize the amazing people who make up NGPS!
20th Annual Staff Recognition Evening
Central Services and trustees!
Mrs. Rawluk, Percy Baxter, 25 years!
Trustees Schalm and Slemko, with Deputy Superintendent Brennick prepare to open the ice cream bar.
Mrs. Ritchie-Ewing, Darwell School, 15 years joins SCS celebrating Mrs. Moon, 15 years and Mrs. V!anderwolf, 10 years
Time for a selfie!
and ... as we all know ... the first selfie isn't always the best one!
Board Chair Judy Muir.
Mr. Bowman, Assistant Principal at Whitecourt Central, provides the entertainment for the evening.
Central Services. Jennifer Richard and Milly McGregor, 20 years!
Mistress of Ceremonies, Trustee Sherry Jeffreys.
Stephanie Damery, Learning Services, 10 years!
Milly McGregor, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer, 20 years!
Fox Creek - Oksana Atwood from CHAMP celebrates Sandra Hardy, Mental Health Coordinator and Ms. Czinkota, Assistant Principal, 15 years!
Jennifer Richard, Finance Assistant, 20 years!
Mr. Babiuk, Hilltop High, 25 years!
Hilltop Assistant Principal, Mrs. Otto, receives her 25 year award!
Mrs. Schuster-Basterash spent 34 years teaching at Onoway High, in the same classroom!
Central Services - Lana Brand, Learning Services celebrates 25 years!
Mrs. Tarcon, Whitecourt Central Elementary, 25 years!
Mrs. Deacon - NGPS educator for 34 years!
Ms. Wilkinson and Ms. Patey, EAs at Pat Hardy!
Assistant Superintendent Sheila Ranslam.