Celebrating the Leap Year at Onoway Jr/Sr High School
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OHS students celebrated 'Leap Day' this February 29th! Taking a cue from Van Halen’s “Jump”, eighties music greeted students throughout the hallways in the morning. Instead of the normal four, 80 minute blocks of classes, students had 65 minute classes. This time-saving allowed for the addition of a special Leap Block from 2:15pm to 3:25pm.
What were students invited to do in this special once-every-four-year block? A Leap frog contest along with a sack hop contest and a standing long jump on 2 legs and 1 leg competition was held in one gym.
“Leaping into the abyss” where photos were taken of students jumping off a trampoline in front of a screen, was another popular activity. Photoshop supplied interesting and death-defying backgrounds!
In keeping with the theme, an air guitar contest was held and participants played to Van Halen’s Jump and other songs with JUMP or LEAP in their lyrics. The celebration of Leap Day continued with an eighties costume contest for the best boy, best girl, best group and, of course, best BIG hair. Students finished Leap Day off with some enthusiastic Leap Day Dancing!