Board approves 2016-2017 Budget
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The NGPS Board of Trustees approved the 2016-2017 budget at the June 29 regular meeting of the Board. The division’s total budget is $64,940,043.
NGPS’ 2016-2017 budget funds basic education as well as programs and supports such as technology integration, leadership programs, Inclusive Education initiatives and employee contract obligations. Operational dollars provide safe and caring learning environments through physical upgrades, maintenance of facilities and safe transportation for students.
The Alberta Government announced earlier this year that educational funding levels will be maintained as per the 2015-2016 educational budget with the exception of an increase to the Infrastructure, Maintenance and Renewal (IMR) funds grant. For NGPS, this means an increase of approximately $576,993 that will go toward the physical maintenance and upgrades at NGPS facilities.
NGPS Superintendent Kevin Andrea shared the Board’s appreciation for the government’s decision to maintain funding levels but cautioned that although the Board is thankful for the maintained funding, declining student enrollment continues to present financial challenges.
“Alberta school boards are funded by the government based on student enrollment which has a significant impact in less populated areas like ours” says Andrea.
In an effort to mitigate some of these challenges, the Board has injected $226,000 from operational reserves toward School Reviews and to help support Maintenance and Transportation operations.
The NGPS budget is based on an estimate of student enrollment for the 2016-2017 school year. The Alberta Government provides funding based on the actual enrollment as of September 30 of every year.