Alberta Education Spring 2017 Curriculum Survey
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Last week, Northern Gateway Public Schools was fortunate to have the Edmonton Regional Learning Consortium share a preview of the Alberta Education Spring 2017 Curriculum Survey with educator representatives from our schools. The purpose of the sessions was to provide these educators with information regarding the structure and the details of the survey to ensure they could be informed as their colleagues and their community might have questions before participating.
Alberta Education has developed The Guiding Framework for the Design and Development of Kindergarten to Grade 12 Provincial Curriculum. This framework ensures that the architecture of all new Programs of Study is consistent. Currently the curricular areas under development are English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Arts and Wellness.
Some details about the survey:
- Participation in the survey is optional, however, it is an opportunity to be informed and to have input into the direction of future curriculum.
- The survey window is May 15 to June 2.
- Part A of the survey is anticipated to take participants about ten minutes.
- Part B of the survey is anticipated to take participants about sixty minutes per subject area.
- The survey focuses on the subject introduction and the scope and sequence of curriculum under development.
- Subject Introduction - a description of the subject area: purpose, values, applications, contexts
- Scope - an overview of what is to be learned
- Sequence - the order in which concepts are to be learned
- Detailed learner outcomes will be developed in the future after the feedback from this survey has been reviewed and used to inform the direction of the curriculum.
The links below are provided to support you in being informed and participating in the survey.
Curriculum Development Milestones
Curriculum Development Spring 2017 Survey
Please contact your school if you would like to be connected with an educator who may be able to answer further questions about the survey and/or its content.
Alberta Education Spring 2017 Curriculum Development Survey