Onoway Trustee By-election is scheduled for December 19
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The Onoway area by-election will be held on December 19, 2018 to fill the position of School Board Trustee in Ward 1, Electoral Subdivision 1. Nominations have been accepted as per the November 21 deadline. View the Official Nomination Results.
There are two candidates running for the position:
Corinne Feth
Christine Peck
Voting Stations will be open from 10:00 am to 8:00 p.m. at:
Onoway Heritage Centre (former Onoway Elementary School)
Stettin-Nakamun Hall, 1518 Twp. Rd 562 (SW 18-56-1-W5M)
Voter Identification Requirements
Proof of identify and current residence is now required to be able to vote in municipal elections. Please follow the link to view the Requirements.