Happy Summer!
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We hope each and every one of you has had an amazing year of learning and growth! Each day you inspire us with your individuality, achievement and potential. Your journey as a student – from your first moments in Kindergarten to your milestones as a senior – are in our thoughts, plans and endeavours each day.
YOU are why all of us at Northern Gateway Public Schools do what we do – from your bus driver and teacher, to your aides and custodians, to principals and specialists, and still others like coordinators and superintendents, who don’t see you every day in your classroom but who work passionately behind the scenes year round to make sure you have the funding, materials, leadership, resources and facilities you need to learn, grow and graduate, saying,
I Matter
I’ve Got This
I’m Just Getting Started
Thank YOU - teachers, administrative and support staff, parents, volunteers, school councils, community partners, school board trustees - for your support and your contributions over the school year. We have much to be proud of as a division!
Have a wonderful summer!