Rich Valley School is getting a new gymnasium!
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Alberta Government stimulus plan boosts school upkeep and renewal projects
Rich Valley School is getting a new gym thanks to Alberta Education's Capital Maintenance Renewal Stimulus (CMR) package. This unique opportunity will allow Northern Gateway Public Schools to move different facility projects forward, including a long-awaited new gym at Rich Valley School. Rich Valley School has been modernized over the past five years in terms of learning spaces and system upgrades like heating and lighting; however, the original gym lacked appropriate space and ceiling height for a K-7 school.
The new gym will meet the needs of all Rich Valley students, enhance physical education and athletic offerings for students and certainly be received and utilized with much joy by this school community for years to come!
The funding of 2.5 million dollars to NGPS is in addition to the division's regular Infrastructure and Maintenance Renewal funding and is an acceleration of the long-term maintenance and renewal strategy for school buildings. The advance of dollars will allow government and school jurisdictions to keep Albertans working and to take advantage of empty schools to complete facility upgrades!
Rich Valley School Principal, Kelly Muir shared his excitement with the community, "a big dream has come to fruition. We are in the initial planning stages and look forward to sharing more details with families as they become available. Thank you everyone for your support throughout the years. We look forward to making many new memories in this wonderful new facility."
The Board approved the division's proposal for spending of the fund at the May 26 Board Meeting. Other school upgrades and projects moving forward include:
- Elmer Elson Elementary School - exterior doors upgrade, new roofing, heating upgrade
- Pat Hardy Primary School - heating upgrade
- Hilltop Jr/Sr High School - phase two of exterior upgrades - insulation and finishing details
- Hillside Jr/Sr High School - washroom renovation