Re-Entry Survey Results
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Parents and Guardians...Thank You!
From Your Responses
We Heard…
1. Safety measures are important and need to be in place when children return to school.
- It is our priority that all children and staff are safe and that guidelines set out by Alberta’s Chief Medical Officer are followed.
- NGPS cleaning and sanitizing protocols are being intensified and carefully monitored in each of our schools and sites.
2. You want your children to be back in school...YEAH!!! They need to see their friends and teachers.
- We want your children, our students, back!
- We are hopeful (finger-crossed) that we will see everyone for 2020-21 school year start-up, in our schools. Our schools/sites will be equipped with all the COVID-19 required health measures and additional NGPS health measures.
3. You were appreciative of the academic supports offered by NGPS: each student receiving a chromebook, prompt set up of Google Classroom, and teachers’ growing adaptability of on-line learning, to name a few.
- We will continue to monitor and, where possible, facilitate improved connectivity if it is an NGPS matter, and explore and implement additional online support.
4. You are concerned about your children’s emotional well-being.
- The emotional well being of children is paramount.
- NGPS has already taken steps to provide particular staff members with additional professional learning support and training in the area of mental health awareness, and is currently making arrangements for school staff, at the commencement of the school year, to receive additional guidance and support in the area of student well being.
Again, parents and guardians, thank you for taking the time to complete the surveys, and for those who shared written commentary, we are grateful for your insights and details.
Students and staff, we also appreciate your responses. Your replies and written feedback provided us with further considerations, observations and perceptions. Thank you for your wisdom.
Stay-tuned for our NGPS 2020-21 Re-launch Handbook which will be posted on on Tuesday, July 7, 2020.