Dedication of Slemko Field
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It was a special day at Onoway Jr/Sr High School yesterday as school and Division staff gathered to dedicate the school's new field and track, Slemko Field.
NGPS Superintendent Kevin Andrea and Deputy Superintendent Michelle Brennick joined OJSH Principal John Lobo and longtime former NGPS Trustee, Teacher and Principal, Terry Slemko and his wife Yvonne, for the dedication of the 400 metre track that was completed in 2019, following the opening of the new OJSH in 2015.
The original track at the old Onoway High School was dedicated to Mr. Slemko in 2010. That track was removed with the old school and replaced with what Principal John Lobo refers to as, "400 metres of speedy asphalt - the jewel of Northern Gateway tracks."
NGPS Superintendent Kevin Andrea shared:
"We know what Mr. Slemko represents not only to us individually, but to this community, and what he has done for this community, and for NGPS students and schools. And if we were to run out of things to say about Mr. Slemko, which we don't, we could easily move on to talking about what Mrs. Yvonne Slemko, has contributed. This dedication of Slemko Field is a fitting gesture of thanks in commemorating the depth and breadth of Terry and Yvonne Slemko's investment in the community of Onoway and a lifetime of contributions to the community, to students and to Northern Gateway Public Schools. Thank you Terry and Yvonne."