Whitecourt Proposed Grade Reconfiguration
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Thank you to everyone who took the time to share their thoughts on the proposed grade reconfiguration for Whitecourt schools. Comments have been collected since December to provide decision makers with opinions from stakeholders about the possibility of realigning Whitecourt schools to a K-5 model.
Video: NGPS Superintendent Kevin Bird speaks to the proposed reconfiguration
Report: Click on the link to review An Update on the Cost / Benefit Analysis of Returning to a K-5 Elementary Model in Whitecourt
Survey feedback: Follow the link to view Comments shared on ngpsTALK.
All comments are included verbatim with the following exceptions:
- As the purpose of the survey was to collect cost/benefit data, repetitive answers have been noted but are not all included in the document as it would be unwieldy. Preference has been given to ensuring the bulk of comments against change are included even if there is some repetition.
- Comments which are not relevant to the current discussion because they cover other topics have
been noted but are not included in the release document. Thank you to all those who took the
opportunity to thank our staff for their contributions to our community. - Comments have been edited to remove any specific identifying information of the contributor.