Active Learning in the Huestis Demonstration Forest
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Whitecourt Central Students Visit the Huestis Demonstration Forest
On May 28, the Grade 4 students of Whitecourt Central and St. Joseph's schools were invited to Huestis Demonstration Forest for a phenomenal day of active learning in the outdoors. Students were greeted by 30 experts who had organized hands-on activities for students. During the day, students gained a richer appreciation for forestry, wildlife, environmental stewardship, indigenous plant life, fire safety and outdoor survival.
Students loved the interactivity of matching tracks and scat to wildlife, the guided walk through the forest looking for wildlife signs, the ability to touch indigenous trees of Alberta, identifying the danger areas of a campsite, locating a geocache, finding edible plants, planning how to fight a forest fire, observing how a trapper prepares a beaver hide for sale, and planting a seedling. While students rotated through activities, they bubbled over with questions for the experts on site.
This event wouldn't be possible without a group of multiple partners who pulled together to organize and fund this event. Special thanks to Inside Education, Alberta Environment, Woodlands County, Alberta Trappers Association, Millar Western, West Fraser, and Alberta Newsprint Company for creating a special learning opportunity for our students.