Considering Darwell and Grasmere Schools - Consultation Opens!
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For several years, the NGPS Capital Plan has proposed the building of a new school in the east end of the Division as one of it's capital priorities. This proposed new school would house the combined student populations of Darwell and Grasmere Schools and be built south of Lac Saint-Anne.
Another possibility would be to apply for modernization of Darwell and Grasmere Schools, thereby keeping the schools in their respective communities. Division staff recently met with Grasmere and Darwell parent councils to discuss these options and heard clearly that communities would prefer to modernize their current schools.
We want your feedback!
Please sign up for ngpsTALK to share your feedback via our survey! This survey is open to parents, students and community members from Darwell and Alberta Beach. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!
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