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Coronavirus Information

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Over the last few days, we have seen a number of news reports about the outbreak of the Coronavirus overseas. We are closely monitoring the news reports and the actions being taken by the World Health Organization, Canada Health officials and Alberta Health Services (AHS).

Our students' health and safety are our top priorities. Our schools take direction and guidance directly from Alberta Health Services as it relates to communicable diseases. At this time, Northern Gateway Public Schools has been advised by medical experts from AHS that the overall risk to Albertans remains low. 

Memo from Alberta Health Services

We encourage students to continue their regular hand washing and respiratory etiquette, such as covering the mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing. These simple steps can protect staff and students from spreading respiratory viruses.

If you have specific concerns, please reach out to your family physician or Health Link at 811.

Additional information about the Coronavirus can be found in this Memo from Alberta Health Services' Medical Officer of Health, a copy of which will be sent home with students on Monday, February 3.

Pink Shirt Day is Feb 26 Practicing Empathy in Global Uncertainty


bob ross


schools shouldn’t be canceled