Grade One's grow food for Food Bank
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On May 20th Grade One students from Onoway Elementary School (OES) were engaged in planting at a local farm, Homestead Hearth. Garden space was generously donated by the Pipkin family so that students could grow vegetables for the Lac Ste. Anne East Food Bank. In their search to understand how they can contribute to the vitality of their community, students decided that planting, maintaining and harvesting vegetables to donate to those in need was a worthy project. The garden project was supported by an Innovative Project grant which covered the cost of seeds and various gardening materials.
Students and volunteers dug into the dirt with their green thumbs to plant potatoes, carrots, pumpkins, squash, onions, beets and rutabaga. These pesticide-free vegetables will be cultivated and hand weeded to ensure a low carbon footprint. In addition, the students were very excited to have the opportunity to learn about the needs of animals as they frolicked with goats, sheep, chickens, rabbits, llamas, a cat and her kittens while at the farm. Finally, the students enjoyed the beauty of this pastoral farm as they made many discoveries on a nature walk.
OES would like to thank the Board of Northern Gateway Public Schools for offering the Innovation Grant this year. Teachers, in consultation with the Principal, were invited to develop special projects for consideration by the grant committee. This resulting Grade One project would not have been possible without these funds.
Being actively involved in the growing process makes the Language Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies curriculums come to life as students see the real life application of these learner outcomes. An exciting Fall awaits when students will have the opportunity to reap the rewards of their efforts. They will witness the full circle of planting, caring, harvesting and delivering the vegetables to the local Food Bank to benefit those in need.