Help guide the quality of education in your school. Accountability Surveys are on their way!
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As part of Alberta Education's annual check-up on the education system, Accountabilty Pillar Surveys help to gather information on the quality of education provided by school authorities and their schools, from teachers, students and their parents.
In NGPS schools, all teachers, and students in Grades 4, 7 and 10, and their parents, are surveyed. In small schools - fewer than 120 students in Grades 4-12 - the survey includes students in Grades 4 and up and their parents. Teachers and students complete surveys independently, online, at school. Parents receive the survey by mail.
Surveys will be distributed from January to the end of February. Please complete this survey as your responses help to guide the direction of the school. All surveys are anonymous and ask questions about experiences with your school. Your participation in the survey helps provide important information on the quality of education your child is receiving, so we encourage you to return your survey promptly.
Survey results will be available to school authorities in May, and will be reported publicly as part of their 3-Year Education Plans and Annual Education Results Reports.
Additional information can be found here.