Recognizing the Graduating Class of 2020!
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A message of congratulations from NGPS Superintendent Kevin Andrea
Each year our Division looks forward to celebrating the commencement of senior students in school ceremonies across the Division. For us, graduation is the key event of each school year. For you, the Class of 2020, it is the highlight of your K-12 education experience.
As a senior, you began your grade 12 year expecting something significantly different than what has transpired over the past few months. What was anticipated for the graduation celebration you would have expected is really radically altered by events beyond your control. It seems unfair. You may be feeling a sense of loss with how this key milestone in your lives is being celebrated. That’s natural.
But don’t let the Covid-19 pandemic lessen the significance of your accomplishment in completing high school. Your perseverance, your commitment to goals and your academic achievement are the basis of your celebration. They are the hallmarks of why you celebrate. And nothing can diminish that in the eyes of your parents, your family, your friends and your school staff.
We are living in interesting times. Events that happen on the other side of the planet influence and impact our lives in significant ways, demanding a shift in thinking of how we engage in our world. It is yet another lesson that speaks to the need for a new generation of fresh ideas and renewed inspiration to meet the challenges that will confront our communities, our country and indeed our world.
This day is the culmination of long years of hard work, dedication, personal growth and academic achievement. Grads, you have completed a significant phase in your education and reached an important milestone in your lives. It is right and proper that you are recognized by your community for your success.
Class of 2020, you have every reason to be proud! Your educational careers have spanned 13 years, from Kindergarten youngsters to young adults. We hope that the living and learning that has been packed into this relatively short period of time will serve you for your lifetime.
The world awaits you. May the road ahead be filled with adventures and successes, and may you share your skills and talents in ways that will enrich our Northern Gateway communities, our province and our country.
On behalf of Northern Gateway Public Schools, we wish you much happiness and every success as you take the next step on your journey. Congratulations!
Kevin Andrea
Superintendent of Schools