Share your feedback on the 2021-22 DRAFT school year calendar!
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2021-22 DRAFT School Year Calendar
Share your feedback via email to by March 5! The Draft calendar will be presented to the Board for approval at the March 16, 2021 Board Meeting.
Eric Frederick
PostedDue to the fact January 1st falls on a Saturday, doesn't that make Monday, January 3rd a stat holiday? Not sure how that applies to schools but most of the province will be shut down, including most government offices and subsequently, most parents will be at home. Therefore, it might be prudent to reconvene on Tuesday, January 4.
Glen Rohatyn
PostedCOVID has definitely allowed us to be flexible with our calendar this past year. I would love to see the opportunity to change the XMAS break instead of the current draft - changing to Wednesday Dec. 22nd (last instructional day) to Thursday Jan. 6th (First Instructional day back) - allowing a few more days After New Year's Day to spend with family rather than all the time before Christmas. Most years this would not be an issue but 2021-2022 would be a good year to try a mid week end/start. Thank you for your consideration and allowing staff input.
Posted1st day September 7th