Tiger Summit a roaring success!
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Mayerthorpe Jr/Sr High School's Tiger Summit took place last Tuesday, May 8. The 2nd annual day of learning provided students and community members with a chance to explore interests and gain new skills alongside each other during a unique day of learning at the school.
The free event hosts students and community members from Sangudo, Mayerthorpe and surrounding areas to learn from local experts and each other while offering more opportunities for students to direct their own learning and learn more about different career pathways.
MHS Principal Dafydd Thomas thanked the community and keynote speaker Jill Moore for their willingness to participate:
"It's a fantastic way to utilize the talents in the community. We have so many people in the community with gifts and talents to share - knowledge, experiences and successes - and so much to learn from each other."
Former MHS student and graduate, Jill Moore, currently the Alberta Director of Sport Development for Special Olympics Canada, kicked off the Summit by sharing her own educational experiences with students and encouraging students to try different things, take chances, volunteer and to not be afraid if they don't know what they want to do when they leave high school.
"Get involved, sign up to be a volunteer, try new things - your efforts, experiences and passion will lead you in the right direction."
- ATV Care
- Auto Care
- Body Building
- BooTy
- Boxing
- Business
- Bus Simulator
- Card Making
- Crane Rigging
- Dream Catchers
- Fly-fishing
- Grain Farming
- Graphic Design
- Hairdos
- Henna Art
- Humanitarian
- Jaws of Life
- Kangoo Fitness
- Lip Luster (lip balm making)
- Painting
- Peace Officer Recruitment
- Perogy-making
- Radio
- Semi-truck inspection
- Special Olympics
- Tie Dye Shirts
- Virtual Reality
- Wheelchair basketball
- Yoga
Shelley Knott
PostedThanks for the great story! I have pics of some of the shirts. You wouldn't believe how great they turned out! It was a lot of work rinsing the shirts but totally worth it to see the reaction when each student came to pick up his/her shirt.