What is CTF? A look at Career and Techology Foundations for Grades 6-9
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Career and Technology Foundations (CTF) is a digital curriculum for students in Grades 6 to 9 that allows students to learn about different occupations through flexible, interdisiplinary learning. Students develop skills in areas of business, communications, human services, resources, and technology while working through engaging challenges.
Benefits of CTF? CTF enables students to participate in hands-on learning experiences and work towards creating real-life products, presentations or services.
When we provide students with focused time to connect deeply with an area of study, students may develop a deeper passion for it than if they are only exposed to it for a short period of time once a week. Developing a deeper understanding and passion for it, some students may wish to continue to connect with it long after 5 days of the challenge are over.
- Onoway Elementary School administration
Learning Flexibility - CTF allows students to explore interests and passions while making personal connections to career possibilities by doing an in-depth study on a topic of their choosing. The CTF curriculum is meant to expose students to various combinations of occupational areas that are also a part of the Career and Technology Studies (CTS) high school program.
Students learn and develop valuable sets of competencies and experiences relevant to future school, personal and work experiences. CTF helps students apply and reinforce learning developed in other subject areas and prepare for transition into adult roles in the family, community, workplace and/or further education.
One example of CTF programming in NGPS schools is the cooperative CTF Options program offered between Grasmere, Onoway Elementary, Rich Valley and Darwell Schools. All Grade 7 students in these east end schools participate in a CTF Learning Week each trimester of the school year. Students choose from a variety of options taught by teachers with an interest and expertise in that option.