Whitecourt Career & Education Expo
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1,000 students take in career and educational opportunities at 2014 Expo!
Nearly 50 local employers and 27 college and university representatives converged in Whitecourt yesterday for the 2014 Whitecourt Career and Education Expo. Several partners, including the Town of Whitecourt, Woodlands County and Northern Gateway Public Schools, came together to facilitate the information super “centre” that offered students and youth in Grades 9 through 12, the opportunity to research the multitude of employment and educational opportunities they have after high school in their own communities and beyond.
The event aimed to increase public awareness of career options available in our local communities.
Employers showcased the jobs and career opportunities they currently have available within their companies as well as the type of work they offer. An oil company, for example, does not only hire operators. They also need instrumentation workers, engineers, accountants and project managers.
Educational representatives were on hand to discuss students’ interests and the training opportunities, courses and programs they require to achieve their goals.
A parent session, ‘What Parents Should Know About Helping their Teen with Career Planning,’ hosted by guest speaker Herkey Cutler, was held in the evening.
Special thanks to Debbie Vance (College of Alberta School Superintendents, High School Dual Credit Strategy) and Line Porfon (Vice-President of Merit Contractors Association) who made the drive up from Edmonton and Calgary to take in the Expo and meet with school and division administrators to discuss ways in which school training (Career and Technology Studies, CTS; Registered Apprenticeship Training, RAP; Work Experience programs) can best support students in their transitions to the workforce.