16 new NGPS teachers inducted into the profession!
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Sixteen Northern Gateway teachers were inducted into the profession last night following the near completion of their first year of teaching. Each year, first year teachers, and teachers who are new to the province, are officially inducted into the profession by the Alberta Teachers' Association (ATA) alongside their NGPS trustees, colleagues and mentors.
Greg Jeffrey, Vice President of the ATA, led inductees in reciting their pledge:
I want to congratulate you on becoming a teacher. Each day, parents send you their very best. You are part of one of the most respected professions in the province. The public believes in you and so too do the parents in your communities.
The evening is a special one for NGPS. Each inductee is introduced by their school principal who shares a few words about their new teacher(s) and their contribution to their school community.
Eric Frederick, President of ATA Local 43, NGPS Board Chair Judy Muir and Deputy Superintendent, Michelle Brennick, each brought greetings to the inductees, sharing stories of their first days of teaching and thanking them for their perspective and enthusiasm.
Thank you for your support and commitment to NGPS students. We are indeed privileged to have you on our team. Thank you for choosing NGPS.
- Judy Muir, NGPS Board Chair