Student imagination brings reading nook to life!
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Students at Onoway Elementary School (OES) are enjoying a beautiful new reading nook in their Learning Commons! Twyla Lesko, Librarian at OES, Principal Lynn Shabada, and Assistant Principal Lori Bell, had a vision for the nook; a mural, inspired by the clouds rolling by in the windows outside the space. The goal? A place that would inspire and engage the imaginations of children.
Using a Google Form created by Mrs. Lesko, students had the opportunity to share their opinions on how they wanted the space to look. Students submitted “tons” of feedback including requests for things like an acorn tree and comfortable seating. Their ideas were shared with the artist who accepted the project challenge.
Upon returning from Easter holidays, some students squealed with delight while others were awestruck as they toured the new and improved nook.
“Everyone wants to use the nook and take advantage of this imaginative and comfortable new space in our Learning Commons,” shared Lesko.
Special thanks goes out to the generous and anonymous donor whose donation to the school made the mural possible, as well as to the NGPS Maintenance Department for prepping the walls, Jarrod Brent and his crew at Woodhaven Cabinets for the perfect seating and storage units, mural artist, Igor Postash and, of course, the students whose ideas and imagination brought the nook to life.