Much to celebrate at Onoway Jr/Sr High!
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Onoway Jr/Sr High School celebrates Canada's 150th birthday, National Aboriginal Day and their first year in the new facility with food trucks, cultural performance and maple leaf signing!
It was an exciting "end" to the first school year in the new facility at Onoway Jr/Sr High School (OJSH) today as students, staff and community celebrated their first year in the new facility, the last day of regular classes for senior high students, Canada’s 150th Birthday and National Aboriginal Day!
Principal Lobo began the day with a special school acknowledgement of Treaty 6 Territories:
... the traditional meeting grounds, gathering place and travelling route to the Nakota Sioux, Cree, Saulteaux, Blackfoot and Dene. We thank the Nakota Sious Nation on whose traditional lands we are now gathered and the many First Nations, Metis and Inuit whose footsteps have marked these lands since time immemorial.
To acknowledge traditional territory is to recognize Indigenous history and its significance for the Indigenous peoples who lived and continue to live upon this territory.
Students were then treated to a moving performance of a traditional Shawl Dance by OJSH student Dalynn Paul and her niece Payton.
Of course the FIVE food trucks offering up pizza burgers, donairs, mini donuts, gourmet ice cream sandwiches, poutine and more were a huge hit with students, staff and everyone from the community who came by!
Students rounded out the day with a nod to our nation's 150th birthday by signing a commemorative maple leaf to mark the occasion!
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