Division surveys students, staff and families on re-entry scenarios
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Northern Gateway Public Schools (NGPS) is planning for the 2020-21 school year and what it may look like for students, staff and families. While any return to school will be managed under the guidelines and direction from Alberta's Chief Medical Officer of Health, the division wants to hear from families and staff about what is important to them as they plan for three scenarios:
- normal return to operations, or
- schools are open for classes with some health restrictions that affect operations, or
- schools remain closed for classes and at-home learning continues.
Surveys will be emailed directly to NGPS students, staff and parents. Survey responses will be accepted from June 1 to June 7. Paper copies are available at the school if required and pick up/drop off can be arranged by calling the school. Participation is completely voluntary and responses will be kept confidential; email addresses are not being collected.
Thank you in advance for taking the time to share your thoughts with us!
Frans Bouius
PostedOption 1
Normal return to operations
Shannon Carter
Posted1!!!- Most certainly we need to move on with life now. I understood why school was cancelled for the rest of this year. I also understand how dangerous this physical distancing is to our children's emotions and minds. There should be options for those who are choosing fear and don't wish to enroll their children in public schools... But the rest of us shouldn't have to suffer by forcing distancing in schools come fall. If schools will be physically distanced and the kids won't be able to play like normal happy kids with one another... Chances are low I will be enrolling my son in grade 2. As much as I don't shine well as a teacher for him, I'm sure I can find the resources and patience to successfully completely grade 2 at home.
Also I worry about my job. I'm a school bus driver and how exactly is my job going to be possible. I will refuse to do double trips as I have a toddler with me who deserves more than to sit in a bus all day
Thank you!
Jenn Rice
PostedThe kids should be returning to normal operations, no at home schooling, no health restrictions. If there are kids with weakened immune systems and their parents are worried, take home work might be an option for them but don’t make everyone suffer because of the few. I think these last few months have been harder on the kids than the parents not having their friends around and no face to face with anyone.
PostedWe want scenario 1 normal return to operations
PostedPlease send me a survey. As the second single parent of one of Northern Gateway's students, I never receive any emails of any kind. My kids primary parent contact does but I don't.
Sherry Rendfleisch
PostedIf this is the new norm what will our future look like. I believe we should return to regular schooling with caution for those whose health could be jeopardized. Haven't we all suffered enough. I'm sure for alot of children they are very distraught and confused. As a staff member I am not very keen on continuing our new school year as it is right now. I really miss working with children.
PostedI think it’s great to get back to school, but you need to allow as many sick days as needed, without parents worrying about letters going in their file.
Children who are sent to school with or develop coughs or fevers while at school need to be sent home.
Let life carry on.
Sander Duffhues
PostedDefinitely back to normal.
Brittany Dumont
PostedOption 1!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tiffany Furlong
PostedOption 1. Normal return to operations.
Lyndsay Harrison
Postedoption one
back to NORMAL operations
Ryan DeZaeyer
PostedOption 1 Normal return to operations