RBC donates $50,000 in support of NGPS Dual Credit & Off Campus programs!!
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Substantial donation from Royal Bank of Canada will support innovative programming for NGPS students
Earlier this year, the Royal Bank of Canada published a document called Humans Wanted - How Canadian youth can thrive in an age of disruption.
The futuristic report paints a very optimistic picture for the future of Canada, if our youth are ready to take on the new jobs that will be created in the next ten to twenty years. These jobs will require skills that are different from those of the workplace their parents thrived in for so many years.
Over the past four years, NGPS has invested in our students' futures with an increased emphasis on Off Campus and Dual Credit programs,offering students options for personalized learning and skill development, and connections to post-secondary and local businesses.
NGPS Superintendent Kevin Andrea commented, "We're really pleased that we have personnel in place that are engaging folks like the Royal Bank in supporting their great initiatives and programs, because we need to be more creative, we need to collaborate with industry to move forward learning for students and this is a great example of how that is happening, within Whitecourt and within Northern Gateway schools throughout our division."
Off Campus education refers to opportunities junior and senior high students have to explore and expand their career interests, skills and knowledge related to work through Work Experience, Registered Apprenticeship, and summer Boot Camp learning opportunities. Dual Credit programs provide the opportunity for high school students to take college or university courses, earning both high school and post-secondary credits for the same course.
Dual Credit and Off Campus Learning at NGPS
RBC has created an opportunity for students to be active participants in this changing job market through their investment in RBC Future Launch. We are very pleased to partner with RBC as we continue our work to provide innovative and relevant learning opportunities for NGPS students.
NGPS Superintendent Kevin Andrea accepted the cheque from RBC Whitecourt Managers Tammy Collins, Dan Munro and Rachel Bachman yesterday, in the CTS Construction lab at Hilltop Jr/Sr High School.
With the support of RBC Future Launch, we will be able to enhance our current programs to better serve our students as they learn, grow, and create the business opportunities of tomorrow.
Thank you RBC! #communitystar
Thank you Hilltop High School RAP, Work Experience and Dual Credit students for joining us, for representing all NGPS students and for sharing your learning experiences!#ngpspride
RBC donates $50,000 in support of NGPS Dual Credit & Off Campus programs!!